Other Dance OpportunitiesWe look for added dance and instruction opportunities. Let us know of other suggestions. Concordia Ballroom - La Crosse, WI The hour prior to each scheduled Continental Dancers monthly dance offers a lesson. Take a look at the schedule and join us for a lesson and great dancing.
Continental Dancers are trying new lesson options such as line dancing and country 2 step. Concordia Ballroom offers Sunday dances almost year round with polka, fox trot, country 2 step, and others. Concordia Ballroom is also offering creative new dance options such as latin, country, lessons and more. Concordia Ballroom and Continental Dancers cooperatively offer a range of dance experiences. Both groups advertise on Facebook, Explore LaCrose and LaCrosse Tribune.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These lessons and programs develop throughout the year, Check out their sites as their season plans emerge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dance Lessons with: Often Holmen Park and Rec offers dance lessons https://www.holmenwi.com/ballroomdancing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ River City Swing Addicts Typically they host weekly dances at different locations such as Roncalli newman Center, UWL, and other places. https://www.facebook.com/groups/riversideswingaddicts/members/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Viroqua Tango Scene https://www.facebook.com/groups/ViroquaTangoSeries/ Hosted by Benjamen Hansen Check it out on Facebook: "Viroqua Tango Scene" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ River City Ballroon Dances - Winona, MN Location: Winona Athletic Club
Check out their website for dates and updates for lessons and dances. Lessons with Stan and Molly - Winona, MN https://www.facebook.com/RiverCityDancersBreitlowBallroom https://www.instagram.com/rivercitydancebreitlowballroom/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Moon Ballroon (Dances & Lessons)- Rochester, MN